Friday, May 15, 2009

He wants to hear you

God wants to hear what you have to say. How does that make you feel? (GFTM)
I feel that sometimes God is not listening, but I know that is not true. My plan for my life may not be, and probably isn’t, His. It comforts me to know that if I need someone to talk to that God is there to listen. He comforts me with that peace. Some times when I talk to Him that’s all I want Him to do is listen. Like any good friend or father that is exactly what He does. It should bring peace to our hearts that we have a God that we can have that kind of personal relationship with. To be able to go before God, cleansed of our sins and tell Him what is on our heart is on of the greatest feelings in the world. Some times He just sits there and listens to us and sometimes He answers us. When He answers it is not always with an audible one. Sometimes we have to be still and listen in the stillness for His voice. When we do hear His voice it lifts our hearts and brings us joy in knowing that He does answer. Having a God like that has no comparison. I know that there are times we get discouraged and think that God is not listening but remember that even though He may not answer He always hears. There are times that we get angry with Him and want to run away kicking and screaming from Him. But don’t run away- run to Him kicking and screaming- that is what He wants you to do. Our God loves to hear our voice- be it in praise, sorrow, anger, or joy. He wants to hear it. He wants to share in our feelings with us, and what more can we ask from a loving and beautiful God.


  1. You and I need to remember this....and we will have to probably remind each other of it over the next few months especially, but indefinitely for the next 50 years! I love you!

  2. What a beautiful post, Olin!!! :) Thanks for sharing your heart.
