Friday, April 17, 2009

17 April 2009
Today I have quite a bit to say, mostly just some more ranting about the powers that be in this country. Yes, another political rant. As you all know 2 days ago millions of people across the country were involved in “Tea parties” held in over 600 cities. The thing that really irritates me about it is the response that these Grassroots Americans were given. First our notorious speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that those who set up these demonstrations were “the Astroturf of Americans” basically calling them fake. This tells me that those in Congress and Senate didn’t even pay attention to what they had to say. This also lets me know that they do not care for those that put them in office. If they ignore this, what else are they going to ignore. These people have to remember who they work for, US the people of the USA. Not their constituents, or business partners but the citizens of the good ole US of A. And they are ignoring us. We as a nation can not ignore this. We must let those folks know how we feel and our thoughts about what they are doing to this country. The best way to do this is in the voting booth. I say come next year we vote EVERY ONE of those self serving socialists out and put in new blood that really cares about what we as a nation think, believe and feel. The other thing that really bothers me is how the mainstream media handled the “Tea Parties”. One “reporter” called it “anti-American and anti-CNN”. Also during the midst of interviewing a participant the “reporter” totally blew off what he was saying then said “I don’t believe that this is family viewing” then cut back to the studio. This makes me very angry that we are not taken serious by our government or those who are supposed to report the news in its truth. Instead we are called names, ignored and even made fun of. It is high time that we make a stand America. We must send a message loud and clear to Washington that we are mad and not going to take it anymore. Those in power are ignoring the “Constitution” and basically throwing the beliefs, hopes and dreams of those who wrote that great document in the trash and doing what is best for them and not the nation. We as a nation also need to remember that this country was founded with faith in God and the belief that all men should strive to make “themselves” better and not to rely on the government to give them what the did not work for.
On another note, to let you know what’s going on out here on the road. We are currently in Missouri still on our way to Ohio. Nature decided to mess with us again as we were traveling across Arizona. Interstate I-40 was shut down due to dust storms and very high winds. The wind was in excess of 40 miles an hour with gust up to over 60. So needless to say Momma and I pulled over and waited for the Interstate to reopen. For those of you that do not know why trucks do not drive in high winds I will explain. Basically the truck becomes a huge kite. To give you a minute idea of what it is like, on a windy day take a large sheet of plywood and try to hold it steady while the wind is buffeting you, and you will have a minute idea of what it is like to try and control a 70,000 lb vehicle pulling a 53 ft trailer. Thank you for visiting and I look forward to hearing from all of you as we travel this country together. If you have any questions about trucking, my views on the government or any other questions you may have ask and I will answer those that I am able to. Thank you again and may God bless you and yours.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Welcome to my world: the world of asphalt, diesel engines, long days, and even longer times away from my family and friends. And somewhere in the middle, the heart of a man that strives to serve his Lord Jesus Christ above everything else. Through these bogs it is my hope that my story will reach out and touch the heart of at least one soul and bring them closer to Christ.
12 April 2009
First I want to thank you for taking the time to stop for a visit. Now let me introduce myself. On the road I am known as Cougar, but to Momma (my wife) I am known as Grizzly, and to my little man I am simply known as Daddy. I am a truck driver traveling across this great nation trying to provide for those that I love. Many people believe that truckers are a bunch of foul mouthed, dirty, hateful, ill educated, lazy, and rude people. Throughout the time that we spend together I hope to break that stereotype. Not all of us are like that. Many of us are God fearing, family loving, and very patriotic. So enjoy the journey with me as you get a glimpse into the heart of a man trying to do the best that he can by Christ and his family.
Today is Easter and, yes, I am away from my family. Luckily for me Momma is also a trucker and is my co driver so the separation is not as bad as it could be. Little Man is currently with my folks, and his biological mother. We are currently traveling in Big Blue (our Freightliner) across the mountainous state of Colorado heading toward California. Even though the weather is currently very dreary it doesn't dampen our spirits for the reason that we celebrate today, the resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. As I look at the grey cloud filled sky I try to imagine what the sky looked like on that very first Easter when Peter ran to the tomb of Christ to find it empty. Regardless of the weather I am positive that all hearts were lifted with the completion of all that Christ had taught them. He had risen from the grave defeating sin and death for the entire world. So as you spend time with your Family today remember the reason that we celebrate this holiday and give praise and thanks to God above for His sacrifice, and the love in which he did it.
(2330hrs) Well folks we didn't make through Colorado the weather decided to take a turn for the
worse. It took me about3 hrs to travel about 90 miles. I thank God for being with us a bringing us a safe place to park. One of the most interesting things about this short trek in the ice and snow is how drivers can come together and help each other out in time of need. Throughout the entire 90 miles I was in contact with another driver that was a little ahead of me giving me updates on the road conditions. Also a miraculous thing took place and I truly believe that God had a hand in this. At one point during our hair raising journey there was a place on I-70 that trucks were stopped on a hill. A little before the hill a van was parked on the shoulder and acted as a guide. I parked behind him and waited for traffic to get going again. If I would have gone on up the hill I too probably would have gotten stuck. So thank God for his angels that he sends to us.
14 April 2009
We finally made it to California. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to sleep most of the day. After we finish unloading here, north of L.A we have to go SE of L.A to get loaded, and then head out to Ohio to get unloaded. Yesterday was one of those days where not much happened but a lot of driving.
15 April 2009
Today is a great day in American history. Throughout the country millions of people are going to exercise their right to peaceful protest, by involving themselves in the numerous “Tea parties” being held across the nation. These “Tea parties” are taking place in cities large and small throughout the country. The main issue of these protests is the current administrations socialist style of leadership and spending. Some of the news networks are calling those who are attending these “Tea parties” right wing extremist. I believe that this is an unfair label. Yes many of those who are attending these protests are Conservative Republicans, but I believe that those who plan an attending these are just extremely concerned Americans who do not want to see this nation fall any farther from the ideals of which it was founded. The current administration believes to solve this countries current financial problem all you have to do is throw money at it. This is far from the truth. One of the reasons that we are in the trouble that we are in started by the government getting in the way of capitalism and trying to run businesses and not letting businesses run themselves. I say to the government, “Get out of the way and let the economy fix itself. It always has and it always will. We must return to the basics of our government and trust in God to do what he has planned for this nation, and get out of his way.” I must apologize for the rant today but this has laid heavy on my heart to share with you. Thank you for stopping by and may God bless you to the fullest.